
Guidelines & Disclaimer

Disclaimer Last Updated: July 3rd, 2023


Respect the Website & Services:

We’re not asking for the kind of respect reserved for nuns, the elderly, and brain surgeons. Just don’t abuse the site. Every cool, new community feature in TheDopeBoyy.com involves a certain level of trust. We trust you to be responsible, and millions of users respect that trust. Please be one of them.

Money Disclaimer:

We want You to be fully informed prior to any purchase from Us, Our endorsers, or any third party who may link to or recommend on any of Our Sites. We take pride in Our products, services, and recommendations, and want Our visitors to get the maximum positive results from their purchases, whether this be in direct profit, education, or peace of mind. In this light We believe it’s important for You to understand the following before making a purchase from any of Our Sites, or any Site we may refer you to through third-party links:

Here are some common-sense rules that’ll help you steer clear of trouble. Please take these rules seriously and take them to heart. Don’t try to look for loopholes or try to lawyer your way around the guidelines & just understand them and try to respect the spirit in which they were created.

If another website or person referred You to Our Site via a tracking link, they may receive a commission on any products or services You purchase. Because of this financial relationship, You should not rely solely on their endorsement in making a purchase decision and must exercise the same due diligence You would make in any other transaction in evaluating Our products and services using information obtained beyond their specific endorsements and the sales Site in particular.

Results From Our Products:

Individual experiences shared about their success with Our education are not typical of all students. Although Our products are intended to be fully utilized and put into practice, and We take steps to make it easy to do so, the typical user of virtually all education products treats them in much the same way they treat a book. The vast majority read or skim through it once, then “leave it on the bookshelf”. The results of such education are intangible, and not measured in direct profit, influence, relationship or psychological improvements, or other positive results of any kind. As such, testimonials or experiences shared are used as examples only and not a guarantee of future success. Because background, experience, education differ among students, results may vary.

And even when consumers implement Our products in full, more often than not they do not report increases in profits, leads, sales, influence, relationship or psychological improvements, or other positive results of any kind. Reports of specific profits, improvements in relationships, psychological improvements, influence, sales, leads, or any positive results of any kind should therefore be understood as the exception rather than the rule. Consumers who use Our products can generally expect not to see any increase in sales, leads, profits, influence, or positive results of any kind. As with any business there are inherent risks to investing in real estate, and it is entirely possible You will lose money, health, influence, relationship status, and experience other negative outcomes as a result of the advice contained in Our products.

Results From Our Services:

Where professional services are concerned, We don’t warrant that typical results will include any amount of leads, sales, profits, influence, relationship or psychological improvements, health or peace of mine improvement, or positive results of any kind. Because of the many variables, it is impossible for Us to predetermine Your success. The tools and resources provided have helped others succeed, but Your success is entirely dependent upon how You utilize the resources and market conditions that are entirely out of Our control. In fact, it’s entirely possible You or Your family may do worse financially, personally, physically, or emotionally while using Our services than before You engaged with Us. For example, We have consulted with happy clients whose business(es) were declining, and We merely managed to slow the fall (and free their time) long enough for them to regroup and make solid plans to exit.

And although Our service business would certainly not exist if We didn’t provide value to Our customers, the above is not the only circumstance in which You may lose money, health, or personal well-being as a result of using Our services, and as such You should not rely upon results reported on Our Site(s) when deciding whether or not to purchase Our services.

So, understand fully that we do NOT guarantee any success in using our products & services but do understand that by using our products & services you have a better chance at succeeding in leads, sales and commissions, such as reselling our reseller packs, cd duplication, special promotions & using the music ad blaster or ect. Understand by purchasing our products & services, making money from our products & services soley depends on you and only you. So, understand that there is no guarantee that you will make money using our music ad blaster, reselling our reseller packs or using any of the services that are in the site.

Nudity or sexual content:

TheDopeBoyy.com is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it’s a video of yourself, don’t post it in TheDopeBoyy.com. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation.

Harmful or dangerous content:

Don’t post videos that encourage others to do things that might cause them to get badly hurt, especially kids. Videos showing such harmful or dangerous acts may get age-restricted or removed depending on their severity.

Violent or graphic content:

It’s not okay to post violent or gory content that’s primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or disrespectful. If posting graphic content in a news or documentary context, please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand what’s going on in the video. Don’t encourage others to commit specific acts of violence.

Copyright and Copyrights:

Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you’re authorized to use. This means don’t upload videos you didn’t make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations.

Hateful content:

Our products are platforms for free expression. But we don’t support content that promotes or condones violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity, or whose primary purpose is inciting hatred on the basis of these core characteristics. This can be a delicate balancing act, but if the primary purpose is to attack a protected group, the content crosses the line.


Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate the Terms of Use are taken very seriously. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from TheDopeBoyy.com.

Spam, misleading metadata, and scams:

Everyone hates spam. Don’t create misleading descriptions, tags, titles, or thumbnails in order to increase views. It’s not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.

Our staff reviews flagged videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to determine whether they violate our Community Guidelines. When they do, we remove them. Sometimes a video doesn’t violate our guidelines, but might not be appropriate for everyone. These videos may get age-restricted. Accounts are penalized for Community Guidelines violations, and serious or repeated violations can lead to account termination. If an account is terminated, that person won’t be allowed to create any new accounts.

Manage your content in TheDopeBoyy.com:

If you would like to submit a notification of alleged copyright infringement, get information on what to do if you believe your video has been removed in error, or get information on how to dispute a Content ID match, the resources below will help educate you about our easy-to-use rights management processes.

Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or have the right to share:

As always, you own the content you post in TheDopeBoyy.com. Remember to post authentic content, and don’t post anything you’ve copied or collected from the Internet that you don’t have the right to post. Learn more about intellectual property rights.

Post photos and videos that are appropriate for a diverse audience:

We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on TheDopeBoyy.com. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.

People like to share photos or videos of their children. For safety reasons, there are times when we may remove images that show nude or partially-nude children. Even when this content is shared with good intentions, it could be used by others in unanticipated ways. You can learn more on our Tips for Parents page.

Foster meaningful and genuine interactions:

Help us stay spam-free by not artificially collecting likes, followers, or shares, posting repetitive comments or content, or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent.

Follow the law:

TheDopeBoyy.com is not a place to support or praise terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. Offering sexual services, buying or selling firearms and illegal or prescription drugs (even if it’s legal in your region) is also not allowed. Remember to always follow the law when offering to sell or buy other regulated goods. Accounts promoting online gambling, online real money games of skill or online lotteries must get our prior written permission before using any of our products.

We have zero tolerance when it comes to sharing sexual content involving minors or threatening to post intimate images of others.

Respect other members of the TheDopeBoyy.com Community:

We want to foster a positive, diverse community. We remove content that contains credible threats or hate speech, content that targets private individuals to degrade or shame them, personal information meant to blackmail or harass someone, and repeated unwanted messages. We do generally allow stronger conversation around people who are featured in the news or have a large public audience due to their profession or chosen activities.

It’s never OK to encourage violence or attack anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases. When hate speech is being shared to challenge it or to raise awareness, we may allow it. In those instances, we ask that you express your intent clearly.

Serious threats of harm to public and personal safety aren’t allowed. This includes specific threats of physical harm as well as threats of theft, vandalism, and other financial harm. We carefully review reports of threats and consider many things when determining whether a threat is credible.

Reporting Abuse:

Our global community is growing every day and we strive to welcome people to an environment free from abusive content. To do this, we rely on people like you. If you see something in TheDopeBoyy.com that you believe violates our terms, please report it to us through contacting our support staff. We have dedicated teams working to review things you report to help make sure TheDopeBoyy.com remain safe.

Governments also sometimes ask us to remove content that violates local laws, but does not violate our Community Standards. If after careful legal review, we find that the content is illegal under local law, then we may make it unavailable only in the relevant country or territory.

Please keep the following in mind:

We may take action any time something violates the Community Standards outlined here.

We may ask Page owners to associate their name and TheDopeBoyy.com Profile with a Page that contains cruel and insensitive content, even if that content does not violate our policies.

Reporting something doesn’t guarantee that it will be removed because it may not violate our policies.

Our content reviewers will look to you for information about why a post may violate our policies.

If you report content, please tell us why the content should be removed (e.g., is it nudity or hate speech?) so that we can send it to the right person for review.

Our review decisions may occasionally change after receiving additional context about specific posts or after seeing new, violating content appearing on a Page or TheDopeBoyy.com Profile.

The number of reports does not impact whether something will be removed. We never remove content simply because it has been reported a number of times.

The consequences for violating our Community Standards vary depending on the severity of the violation and the person’s history in TheDopeBoyy.com. For instance, we may warn someone for a first violation, but if we continue to see further violations we may restrict a person’s ability to post in TheDopeBoyy.com or ban the person from TheDopeBoyy.com.

Not all disagreeable or disturbing content violates our Community Standards. For this reason, we offer you the ability to customize and control what you see by unfollowing and blocking people, Pages, and applications you don’t want to see and we encourage you to use these controls to better personalize your experience. Learn more. People also often resolve issues they have about a piece of content by simply reaching out to the person who shared it. We’ve created tools for you to communicate directly with other people when you’re unhappy with posts, photos, or other content you see in TheDopeBoyy.com.
